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 Episode 15: Dirteaters

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Capricorne Cochon
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Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008

Episode 15: Dirteaters Empty
MessageSujet: Episode 15: Dirteaters   Episode 15: Dirteaters Icon_minitimeSam 20 Aoû 2011 - 23:23

Résumé de l'épisode:

The celebration of Sam and Joseph's promotion within the Ha'latha is marred by the discontent of both men - Sam because of the Guattrau's sale of Cylons to the STO, and Joseph for the same cause, as well as the Guattrau's hit on Daniel Graystone. Although Joseph holds no love for Daniel, he bucks the idea that the man must die. He obliquely warns Daniel to watch his back, and Daniel begins his grim homework of looking for the Guattrau's weak spots in an effort to defend himself.

He finds an easy target in the disillusioned assassin, Sam, and offers to ship a Cylon to the Tauron freedom fighters in exchange for his life. Sam agrees, and though he tries to keep this act from his brother, Joseph finds out and chides Sam for not including him. Opposing the Guattrau is dangerous business - they'll need each other if they're going to succeed. Thirty years ago, they watched their parents, themselves freedom fighters, tortured and murdered by the oppressing army. The guilt of inability still lives with Sam, and Joseph has sworn to do whatever he can to make sure that what little remains of their family stays whole.

Still frantic to complete the Avatar program, Daniel escapes to V-World to find his daughter, but she wants nothing to do with him. She and Tamara set up a virtual fortress, impregnable to anyone or anything. But Amanda learns that Zoe is still alive, and a mother's love may outstrip all of Zoe and Tamara's defenses.

Jordan knows his superior officer, Garra, is on the side of the STO, but this knowledge is what gets him blackmailed and removed from the force, effectively shutting down the investigation in the Willow house, and endangering Amanda's life once again.

And Clarice, dizzy with the prestige and glory of discovering the Avatar program, is growing more megalomaniacal by the minute - a fact that worries both of her faithful husbands.

Source: Syfy
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