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 Episode 9: End of The Line

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2 participants
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Nombre de messages : 12004
Capricorne Cochon
Age : 40
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Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008

Episode 9: End of The Line Empty
MessageSujet: Episode 9: End of The Line   Episode 9: End of The Line Icon_minitimeMar 13 Avr 2010 - 23:13

P'tit résumé:

In a tense foreshadowing, we see the U-87 driving a stolen van, armed police in pursuit. But what brought Zoe Graystone to such a desperate action?

Rewinding the clock, we learn that Daniel's financial troubles are worsening, and he must sell the Buccaneers to his rival, Tomas Vergis. The army knows the chip was stolen, and have given him a week to finish the project. Unbeknownst to Daniel, they're discussing a contract with Vergis.

Barnabas is surprised by a visit from Clarice, who leaves him with the threat that she'll go to STO leadership on Gemenon and shut him down, but Barnabas has his own plans to end Clarice's life.

Lacy, determined to get the U-87 to Gemenon, insinuates herself in Barnabas's STO cell. He promises to get her cargo off-world as soon as the recent shipping embargo is lifted, but demands a favor in return. He gives Lacy a small device and orders her to switch it with Clarice's key chain. Fearfully, Lacy complies.

Amanda Graystone, whose sanity continues to slip, indulges her fascination with bridges, and reaches out to Clarice as a confidant. Clarice suggests Amanda open up to Daniel, but Amanda hints that Daniel has his own secrets, even darker and more destructive than her own.

Philomon suggests building a psych profile for the U-87 to replicate the abilities of the chip, but Daniel insists that Philo find and burn away any generative anomalies, making the chip neutral - and eradicating Zoe's presence. In a panic, Zoe visits Lacy in V-world and demands that they move the robot immediately, but Lacy tells her that it's impossible because of the embargo.

Over dinner, Amanda confronts Daniel about her fears: That he stole the chip and killed two men. Daniel tries to, but Amanda reaches her threshold - she leaves the house. She wanders around the city, winding up at Pantheon Bridge, and finds herself poised at its edge, ready to jump.

Joseph Adama finally finds his daughter, but she surprises him by ordering that he stop following her. To drive home her point, she kills his avatar, thus preventing him from ever coming back to New Cap City.

Philo reluctantly undertakes his orders, but just as he does, Zoe reveals her identity. Terrified, he triggers the security alarm. Zoe rushes to stop him, her inhuman strength accidentally killing him. Distraught, she steals a van and speeds away from the lab.

Lacy, meanwhile, flies to Barnabas to push the shipment forward, and discovers that he is about to detonate the bomb - that Lacy unwittingly planted - in Clarice's car. Lacy tries to stop the assassination, but Barnabas threatens her and Keon's lives if she doesn't remotely detonate the bomb. Clarice and her husband, on their way to the spaceport, are ensnarled in traffic at the Pantheon Bridge. Clarice spots Amanda preparing to kill herself, and leaves the car to see what's going on. Just as she does, Lacy tearfully detonates the bomb, but Barnabas's plot has failed.

The stolen van approaches a heavily armed roadblock. Frightened and alone, Zoe comes briefly to a halt, then slams through the barricade, destroying the van - and, possibly, herself.

Source: ici
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Nombre de messages : 2667
Gémeaux Tigre
Age : 38
Points : 2325
Localisation : Earth
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2008

Episode 9: End of The Line Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Episode 9: End of The Line   Episode 9: End of The Line Icon_minitimeVen 20 Aoû 2010 - 22:31

Après un espèce de long previously de fin de mi saison

la mort rode, déjà Zoe, la frère d'Amanda, tout qui pèse

Lacy qui a un plus grand rôle " so say we all", avec les SDU, Clarice vs Barnabus, aidera pas Zoe malgré tout

Zoe qui pète les plombs, qui tue cute lab boy et s'enfuit pour se suicider on peut dire ça What a Face

Adama qui voit enfin sa fille mai qui décide de le sauver, pas fait pour lui tout ça et donc le tue Neutral c"était triste

tout joue contre Graystone industries du coup, Vergis qui s'en mêle, contrats rachats équipe etc...

Amanda n'en peut plus, saute du pont, Clarice qui la voit et boom la voiture What a Face et le coup de fil à la fin...
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